Saturday, February 4, 2017

Review : Cry-Baby Moon

Cry-baby moon was an interesting story. The author could bring us to the story's world and we as the reader could know the feel how the story talked about. By the cover we could see the big yellow moon surrounded by bright colours. The image in the story also good with beautiful arts and colourful colours. That was very suit for children who loved with colourful bright colours.

The Cry-baby moon was a story of the moon who could not see her face in the seas. She was crying and felt so sad. By the time, she met with Cloud who was passing by. She asked why the Cry-baby moon crying so loud. Then, the Cry-baby moon told the Clouds that she could not see her face in the sea. The Cloud suggested Baby-moon should be bright yellow. The Cry-baby changed herself from white to tue bright yellow. Then, the Cry-baby moon floated the sky and looked down to the sea, yet she could not see her face. She was crying again.

The Cry-baby moon wanted to see her face in the sea. She was still crying aloud. The Rain, Thunder and Light who were passing by and gave the Cry-baby moon suggestions, but still she could not see her face in the sea. She was so sad. One day, the Rainbow passing by and gave her a suggestion that the Cry-baby moon should asked the spirit of the sea. It was because the sea was rough and the Cry-baby moon could not see her face in the sea. After she asked to the spirit of the sea, she could see her face. For the first time she could see her reflection in the sea. Her reflection was beautiful bright yellow, big and round and also dazzling with smile. She was very happy.

The Cry-baby moon was sad yet also beautiful story. The story gave us, the readers, a message that we should had strong heart and not cry easily. Just because we could not pass the sea (problems), did not means we should gave up in that way. If we believe in ourself, we could see our bright future and beautiful life later.

For me, that was very beautiful story. Wish you all could read it too, especially for children. That was good for you, dear!

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