Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Review: The Blue Sky

The Blue Sky was very good book story. I just read it and I love the book already. As the title, the cover of the book was bright blue with the clouds and there was also a little girl who pray with her hands, yet actually it was a blue bird. Just by the cover I could feel how the story was—beautiful and full of the blue.
            The Blue Sky was story of a little girl who lost her mother. At the same time, she felt lost the love too. She always lonely and built her own world, in a tall skyscraper which is became a high tower. In that high tower, she always faced to the window that showed her the clouds on the blue sky. On her own world, the clouds always became her imagination, such as snail, mouse, elephant, rabbit, turtle blue bird and black bird. By the time, that animals which created by clouds were ‘her memory of her mother’.
            From that line, as a reader, I could take a red thread that the little girl felt so sorrow with her life. The sadness of the little girl’s life could easily understood when she explained one by one of the clouds on the sky. With one thought, she had a wish that the clouds on the blue sky could take her to her mother, who always she love the  most. And finally she could meet her mother somewhere in the clouds.
            That was a sad story yet beautiful too. I could feel how the author wanted to share her deep feeling to everyone who read it, about the lonely little girl who love her mother yet must to lost her mother.
The images of the book were lovely with the beautiful words to explained about it. The author could make the reader aware that the little girl who lost her mother always had a soft feeling yet tough heart. Everybody could not understand how the little girl feel because it was more sorrow than anything.
That was very beautiful story.
Overall, I really love it!

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